Marble and granite can bring elegance and beauty to just about any space. When designing BT Nails & Spa, we wanted the stones to do the talking and the gold to do the flirting. On every marble and granite surface, we made sure to keep the space clean and clutter-free to ensure there are no distracting elements to take away from the stone's natural beauty. Gold is a powerful color with a command presence. Therefore we had to use it sparingly, so it didn't overpower the gorgeous stone finish. Dashes of gold were sprinkled throughout the space to bring everything together and the salon a unique identity.
Our expert designers have years of Salon design experience.
We negotiate with trusted vendors to get your the best furniture package discounts
Quality doesn't have to be expensive. We'll make the most out of your budget.
By being with you every step of the way, we're able to ensure the final finishes are perfect.
A dedicated support team is always just an email away.
Working with Spencil means fewer people to deal with, fewer calls to make, and less headaches.
Want Spencil to design your space along with a custom furniture package? Let's get started today.