Creative Designs for Nail Salons

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publishing date
January 18, 2024
Written by
Katrina Pascual

Nail salons follow a simple formula with their interior design. You have chairs, tables, equipment, reception desks, and racks to store nail polish sets. However, some spruce it by adding small details like art, plants, and other ornaments. Plus, with a selected interior design theme, you have a nail salon design to call a business. However, don't be afraid of going outside the norm and sprinkle your creativity. Why not give your nail salon a personal or creative touch? Here are creative design nail salon ideas to try!

1. Wall and Ceiling

Add an Accent Wall

If your nail salon has blocks of white or black colors or neutrals, then consider adding an accent wall to give your nail salon color. You can show off your creativity with an accent wall. For instance, you can paint different patterns or designs. Or, if you're not a painter, you can use printed wallpaper to decorate the wall. But it doesn't have to be painted or printed wallpaper. You can also decorate it with wall shelves and ornaments. If you do not like those, art can be your go-to decor.

Decorate Ceilings

nail salon
Image source: ur design mag

When decorating, our first thought goes to furniture. If not that, then walls. Ceilings are another place to put your creative touch in. Lighting fixtures usually adorn ceilings. However, you can add false ceilings. This allows you to hide any imperfections. You need to talk to a professional interior designer about adding a pattern to your ceiling since they have the know-how to work with design and function. But you can check out this ceiling design for a Mexican nail studio. It uses pink, blue, and purple sticks.�

Add Curtains for Privacy

Privacy matters for some customers. After all, their mani-pedi can be a form of self-care, and they don't want to be disturbed by others while in the nail salon. Adding a curtain can solve that. You can ask customers if they want to keep it closed or open during a session. In addition, make sure that the curtain also matches your overall design style.

2. Chairs

Use Ghost Chairs

Ghost or transparent chairs are an unlikely piece of furniture to use in nail salons. One look and you'll think, aren't these uncomfortable? However, you can make them comfortable by adding pillows. It serves a function also. It's light, and you can clean it easier than most chairs. Plus, ghost chairs are ideal for ANY nail salon interior design. If you decide to change your interior design, ghost chairs can be your furniture mainstay. It won't ruin your overall design look!

Try Wicker Chairs and Footrests

If ghost chairs aren't your thing, why not use wicker chairs and footrests? These are a more comfortable alternative to ghost or plastic chairs. The nail technicians can use the wicker chairs as they do pedicures. Meanwhile, customers can rest their feet on the wicker footstools or ottomans.

Consider Ottomans

Ottomans are great additions to your nail salon since they serve various functions. One, nail technicians can sit on this during pedicures. Two, it can be a footrest when there are unused stools. And three, you can store customer items inside the ottoman during the procedure! Ensure that the ottomans are aligned with your interior design style. This way, it doesn't disrupt your nail salon visual.

3. Tables

nail salon

Use Desks with Drawers

Most nail salons have desks for manicures and nail polish procedures. Additionally, some nail salons use carts to store equipment. You can reduce the number of moving objects and use desks with drawers instead! You don't need to use carts to store items, which could add to more clutter. However, you can use the carts when it's time to clean your equipment. Having drawers can help you organize items.

Add Small Tables Beside Each Chair or Station

If you have seats dedicated to pedicures, you must add storage space for customers. You can add a small table or drawer that would let customers feel comfortable during their pedicures. Additionally, these small tables or drawers can also store your equipment to avoid going back and forth from other areas to retrieve items.

4. Design Style

Eco-friendly designs aren't uncommon. However, you can create a unique look with this theme. For instance, you can add a small garden in your reception area. But, if that's out of the budget, you can find simple ways to adorn your nail salon with eco-friendly decor and materials. For example, you can hang plants from your ceiling or wall. Some nail salons add a green wall. It's a wall dedicated to plants only, which you can consider an accent wall, too! But if a green wall is out of the question, then you can add small plant pots near every seat or station.

About the author
Katrina Pascual